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technologia syntezy NL-PEPTIDES - schemat kapsułki BPC 157 działania
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Vials vs capsules?
Capsules are more convenient, no need to keep them in the fridge.
Are capsules as effective as injections?
Only if they contain chemically treated NL-peptides.
Are peptides steroids?
No, it's a different group of compounds. However, some peptides are on the WADA list, meaning they are banned for use by professional athletes.
Are your peptides steroids?


It does not work in capsules.

Right! Unless it's a double capsule and contains protected NL-peptides - then it works watch the presentation

Are peptides safe?

All peptides marketed by our company are completely safe and have no side effects.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for all other peptides that can be found on the market. It is important to remember not to use peptides purchased from an unreliable source.

What can I realistically expect?

Overall improvement in body function. Depending on which peptide you use, you may experience accelerated regeneration processes (useful for athletes), more energy on a daily basis or you may notice an improvement in the condition of your skin or hair.

Is it possible to overdose on peptides?

Just like with any other substance. Remember that it is the dose that causes the risk, not the substance.

- BPC - 1-3 caps per day. -Epithalon - 1 cap per day for 30 days or 3 caps per day for 10 days. -GHK-CU - 1 capsule per day.
Are peptides golden remedies AND will they help with a particular condition?

It depends on the condition, each case should be considered individually. They can assist treatment. Remember that prevention is better than cure; in case of illness, any treatment should be consulted with a doctor.

Can I take peptides all the time?

Depends which ones, the safe ones - yes. By using them continuously, you will be following the principle that prevention is better than cure.

Are your peptides safe?
Yes - we only choose safe measures.
Can I combine injections with capsules?
Is BPC on the WADA list?
Ordinary BPC is. Our NL-BPC is not on the WADA list because it is an analogue, so it is a new compound for the law and for WADA.
Is NL-BPC better about ArgBPC?


Do the capsules absorb like the injections?
The effectiveness of the injection depends on the raw material and origin of the peptide. There are a lot of Chinese peptides of unknown origin on the market - mostly in injections, vials. With the submission that the peptide in the vial is "sure", our capsules will work the same way.
Is it safe to use injections?
Given the fact that these substances are often reagents for testing (and not for human use) and the fact that you can get an infection by not properly administering the substances - THE ANSWER IS NO.
Effectiveness of injections vs. capsules?

Let's compare the "sure-fire" NL-PEPTYD in an injection with NL-PEPTYD in capsules.It is just as effective.


According to the label, do not use by:

-Pregnant women

-Lactating women

-Persons suffering from cancer.

Use on an empty stomach or after a meal?

It doesn't matter.

At what time of day to apply?

It doesn't matter.

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